Curtain holdbacks and tiebacks are a wonderful way to add dimension and style to your curtains. They can also help add interest and personality to a room. There are many different uses for curtain holdbacks, but the most common is to simply help support your curtains and keep them open.

A curtain tieback is a decorative hook that’s installed at the top of a curtain that is used to secure it in place. A holdback, on the other hand, is used as a split curtain rod support “holds back” a panel and keeps it away from windows for privacy purposes. As one might imagine, the two pieces can be pretty useful in certain cases. But before you do that, it’s important to consider how high you should hang your curtain tiebacks and holdbacks particularly if your windows are a significant distance from the ceiling. We’ll help you to find out.

Hang Curtain Tiebacks & Holdbacks High

So how do you know how high to hang tie backs for curtains and how high do you put curtain holdbacks? Well, it depends on a few things: firstly, how big your windows are; secondly, how heavy your curtains are; thirdly, whether or not there’s a light source behind them that might make them glow (in which case they’ll need to be higher).

The general rule of thumb is that if you can see the bottom of your curtain tieback/holdback from across the room (without straining), then it’s probably too low. The closer they are to eye level when someone’s looking at them straight on, the better!

Many people like their tiebacks and holdbacks to be visible when they walk into the room. Others prefer them hidden behind their curtains, so that only those who know about them will see them when they look around the room.

If you want yours visible, then consider placing them between one-third of the way up from the bottom of your window and two-thirds of the way up from the bottom (depending on how wide your windows are). This will ensure that they remain visible while still allowing enough room for light from outside coming through unobstructed by any objects such as plants or lamps sitting directly underneath them at ground level (which could cause glare problems).

hanging curtain tiebacks

Hang Curtain Tiebacks & Holdbacks Low

Curtain tiebacks and holdbacks are a great way to add some extra style to your window treatments, but how high up do you put curtain tie backs and what is the proper placement of curtain holdbacks? That’s a question that has been asked by many and answered by few. Well, now we can answer it for you!

You want your curtain tiebacks and holdbacks as close to the floor as possible. This gives your windows a more finished look and makes them look less like they were thrown together without much thought.

If you’ve ever seen a room with curtains hanging too high off the ground, you know what we’re talking about: it just looks tacky. The same thing goes for hanging them too low you don’t want them dragging on the ground. But if you hang them right in between those two extremes, where they just touch the floor, then you’ll have curtains that look perfect every time!

Don’t Place Curtain Tiebacks In The Middle Of The Fabric

We’ve all been there. You’ve just finished hanging your curtains, and suddenly it hits you: the tiebacks are in the middle of the fabric!

But don’t worry we’re here to help.

Generally speaking, you want to avoid placing a curtain tieback in the middle of your curtains. This can make them look bulky and awkward. Instead, try placing them off-center on either side of the curtain fabric so that they aren’t directly in front of each other.

If you have a particularly long curtain, you may want to consider using multiple tiebacks instead of one large one in the center. This will create some symmetry and balance for your window treatment.

You can measure from each side of the window (or whatever part of the window you’re working with) and mark where you want to place them. You can use a pencil or pen for this just to make sure it’s going to wash out later! Then take your curtain tieback or holdback and mark around it at those spots on both sides of your window.

Forget About All The Rules: What Matters The Most Is How Your Curtains Look

When you’re considering what length to make your curtain tiebacks and holdbacks, all the rules in the world can’t tell you what’s best for your windows. And that’s because what matters most is how your curtains look: if they’re too long, they’ll look sloppy and unfinished. If they’re too short, they won’t have enough room to fall nicely on either side of the window.

It’s better to get a general idea of how long each piece should be and then adjust accordingly based on how well it looks on your windows. The best way to do this is by hanging up a sample of fabric in front of each window so you can see how it looks when draped over the curtain rod then take it down and cut your pieces accordingly!

How To Measure Where To Put Curtain Tiebacks

It’s time to measure where to put curtain tiebacks!

You’ve bought the perfect tieback, and now all you have to do is get it up on the wall. But where do you put it?

One of the most common questions we get here at TheHues is “Where should I put my curtain tiebacks?” The answer really depends on what kind of look you’re going for, but there are a few general guidelines that can help you out along the way.

Here are some tips for choosing the right placement for your curtain tiebacks:

If The Curtains Are 84 Inches Long Or Floor-length

If your curtains are 84 inches long or floor-length, you can follow these simple steps:

1. Measure the length of your curtain rod from end to end.

2. Place your tape measure on the floor at one end of your curtain rod and mark it with a piece of paper.

3. Move the paper along the floor until it reaches the other end of your curtain rod and make another mark.

4. Draw a line between those two marks and voila! You’ve got a perfectly measured space for your tieback placement!

If The Curtains Are 55 Inches Long

If your curtains are 55 inches long, then you can just measure the length of the curtain tieback and place it at that spot. This is because the length of a curtain tieback is usually 2.5 times longer than its width.

You’ll need to measure at around 5 1/2 inches from the top of the curtain rod and mark that spot with a pencil. This is where you’ll place your first tieback and hang your second tieback at 6 1/2 inches down from there.

Curtains Of Any Other Length

For any other length, you can find this out by measuring the distance from the floor to where you want your curtains to fall, and then subtracting that number from the overall height of your curtains. Then you’ll know how far up from the floor to place your curtain tiebacks.

If your curtains are short, and they hang down close to the ground, then it’s okay to put curtain tiebacks at a normal height (in other words, where they would usually be placed). But if they’re long enough that they fall past where most people would consider their “knees,” then I recommend putting them closer to the top of your window frames, so about two inches above where most people would consider their knees rather than in their normal spot.

Use A Plumb Line

With a plumb line. A plumb line is a simple device that allows you to find the perfect place to hang your curtain tiebacks. It’s easy to use: just follow these steps!

Step 1: Find the center of your window

Step 2: Place the plumb line vertically on the wall, so that it touches both sides of the center mark

Step 3: Use a pencil or marker to mark where the plumb line hits on the wall (this will be where you put your tiebacks).

If you don’t have access to a plumb line, there are other ways of measuring too! You can use a yardstick or even your hand as indicators for where you want your curtain tieback to go. Just take note of how far it is between your hand and where you want your curtain tieback so that when you’re trying out different places, it doesn’t look too far off.

Besides the installation of curtain tiebacks and holdbacks, are you wondering how to hang a curtain rod? Our detailed guide takes you through the entire installation process step by step. Say goodbye to unevenly hung curtains – check out our guide now!